Salvador Romero, 11: “I was shorter than everyone else and juniors and seniors looked like giants.”Klint Villafuerte, 10: “Meeting new friends and who to hang out with.”Chardonnay Reed, 10: “How to keep balance with [classwork and] social life and club activities.”Emil George, 12: “People shoving me into a locker.”Eliese Howard, 9: “What if it’s not the best four years of my life?”Vincent Castro, 12: “If I was going to get lost in school or not. But I didn’t know that the school was a giant H at that time.” Melissa Rodriguez, 12: “The judgment of my sister. She would look at me in the hallway and just judged me for my friends, the guys, everything.”Alexis Cisneros, 12: “Workload. Like having too much homework and having to stay up super late.”Hannah Tranbui, 11: “Being judged on by everyone.”