Due to the realignment of Area 3 HOSA, North Garland HOSA is competing with more high schools for spots at competition. This year, NG HOSA began implementing study hours to stay competitive in Area 3.
Secretary Puja Patel was in charge of making sure that all members completed their study hours.
“Study hours were at first a way to ensure we have more focus on learning the material and the satisfaction that the students learned something from their competition,” Patel said. “The good thing about study hours is that it allows us to make sure everyone is studying and help out those that need it. This has been the first year to use this, and although it has been hectic on me, I am happy with the progress for the first year.”
One of the HOSA sponsor Dr. Kevin Hunter came up with the idea of study hours in light of the Area 3 realignment in order to stay competitve.
“It really differentiated us when we competed in online testing,” Hunter said. “It set us apart because we had overall the most people place and move ahead.”
In order to keep up with 250 members’ study hours, Patel enlisted other officers to help count in order to ensure accuracy. Patel also organized everything into a binder and encouraged members to break up their study hours so they can study more often.
“Some people I have talked to [about study hours] oppose it, but see the benefits.” Patel said. “To make some people study is useless because they literally can learn very quickly and don’t see the point in coming in for it. Some people have problems after school so I’ve resolved a lot of those problems. Other than that people have come to appreciate it even though it is tedious.”
Patel agrees that it has been hectic trying to handle everyone’s study hours due to her having no experience in doing so. Other HOSA clubs have tried to implement study hours, but they have not worked.
“I talked to some of the people [at the fall leadership conference for HOSA] and they were trying, but it wasn’t a success, so they gave up on it,” Patel said. “With the help of the sponsors we have come a long way and plan to continue it.”