From Beginning to End
May 16, 2019
Walking through the big glass doors of high school for the first time not knowing what to expect, one thing was certain: these next four years would be an unforgettable adventure. From art to athletics, from business to band, it seemed my choices were limitless when it came to electives. Being a clueless freshman I opted for the safest choice in art. As I ran my eyes through my schedule looking for that ceramics class, though, I noticed journalism was listed.
Two class periods passed, and it was time for me to go to my journalism class. After searching for minutes, I finally found the crowded classroom. Walking into the narrow soundless room I knew I was not going to enjoy that class. I was determined to drop out second semester. That is, until everything changed. It went from a lonely, quiet and restricted room to space with students filling up every desk while music would always be playing. The change had to be my new journalism teacher.
Thanks to that change, I had an understanding of what a journalist really was. From my first blurry photo to my first repetitive quote, I slowly learned the responsibilities of a journalist. I made my final decision to stay in journalism and be a yearbook staffer. Filling out that application was peaceful, but that didn’t stop me from being anxious for my interview. Hearing the words “You’re in,” was so exciting.
Starting my sophomore year also meant new opportunities. As I picked up my schedule, I looked at my classes. This year, I ignored art and looked forward to yearbook class. Walking into the JLab once again, I realized this would be my second home for the next three years. My skills as a journalist grew more and more each day. Every photo got better, my quotes were more interesting, and my bond grew stronger with my teammates.
After a year of adventure, I decided I wanted to do more during my junior year. I applied for newspaper and decided to be a team leader for yearbook. Throughout the year, I noted ideas for new stories, kept up with news more often and walked around school handing out the newspaper. I w Leaving physics class rapidly to start on my newspaper assignment and realizing I was being converted into a better reporter. Going into the office room for meetings with my team to discuss our new blank spread, having a small gossip session while editing over 100 pictures and submitting the final edit of the yearbook every other day. Leaving the JLlab to take pictures for my next photo assignment and hearing ‘Hey, can you send me that picture’ from an athlete every day. These small details are the moments I enjoyed every single day in the same unassigned assigned seat.
When I walk through those high glass doors one last time, I will be leaving as an experienced journalist. My writing skills went from short quotes to published stories. That blurry unrecognizable picture became a mesmerizing shot.
My memories of journalism will be filled with last-minute parties, car rides to journalism field trips, the infamous snack box where candy would disappear in minutes, the group chat where no one was safe, writing about things I’m interested in, fixing the coffee machine just in time for deadlines, hunting people down for quotes and interviews for over an hour, going to football games and shooting pictures of players running towards me while almost being run over, editing pictures from pep rallies, sports tryouts and college trips, getting pictures submitted to nationwide contests, spending my day in the JLab, and being part of a journalism family. These are just a few of the many ways journalism has changed and improved me.